Our Services
We use a CPS approach in all of our work to serve families across the United States. Collaborative Problem Solving® (CPS)is an evidence-based approach developed at Massachusetts General Hospital. It is proven to reduce challenging behavior, increase compliance, improve relationships, and help everyone build the skills they lack.
Whether or not you need help navigating a school meeting such as a IEP/504 or need to discuss additional supports and resources for your neuro-diverse youth, we are here for you. We schedule a 2 hour intake consultation so we can fully understand your needs and provide initial recommendations. Follow up consultations are available as needed at an hourly rate.
Collaborative Advocacy
Sometimes meetings such as IEP’s , 504’s can feel very overwhelming. We are here to help. We use a Family Partner model where we walk alongside, without judgement to help you reach your goals. We will be present with you for moral support and to speak up if need be. Make sure that you’re being heard and can support you in understanding your legal rights and navigating barriers as they arise.
Professional Coaching
Perfect for you to hone the skills learned in one of our trainings. We know just like any other skill it takes time, practice and a good helping relationship to practice what we teach well. We provide coaching to individuals and teams for developing Collaborative, Restorative, Trauma Informed and Resiliency building practices into your own programs.
Parent Coaching
Struggling to set get expectations met? School challenges? Social difficulties? Have you tried everything and none of it has led to a long term solution? Consider parent coaching from a parent who has “Been there and Get’s it.” We offer coaching to families who or are looking for individual support and skill building. We focus on understanding your families diverse dynamics and needs, building realistic expectations, creating supports, coming up with ways to respond to problems and creating long term solutions.

All About Me: A Therapeutic Life Story
Jules Rice PSS has been trained by Richard Rose as a Certified Life Story Work Practitioner to give children the opportunity to tell their own life story. The gift of giving a child the ability to share their voice and create understanding of their unique journey is priceless. Jules can support the full, in-depth life story work or even a simple All About Me book. As international therapeutic life story work expert Richard Rose says, “Children need to know where they are from in order to know where they are going.” Catch the exciting news from ODHS about All About Me books in Oregon! https://www.orparc.org/resources/life-story-narrative
Collaborative Problem Solving Trainings taught by Think Kids Certified Trainer Shannon Pugerude, MEd and Jules Rice Certified Parent Trainer.
Melt Downs? Shut Downs? Other Challenging Behaviors?
Join Shannon to learn the ways to create a more manageable and calmer environment. You’ll learn how to work with each other to understand the things leading to challenging behaviors, and how to work together to come up with a plan for how to handle problems before they happen. Take the first step today to better understand and help your child, and become the individual you want to be.
Tier 1, Parenting Classes, Introductory and Refresher Options Available.
Reunifying Families
The Hero Makers walks alongside clients through the lens of meeting parents where they're at in their journey in raising healthy, happy children. The Hero Makers values all clients and works from a foundation that all parents love their children and can transform difficult family relationships to calm and nurturing ones through hands-on skill building in the home.